
RAPA recognise that volunteers are an integral part of our staffing structure and prove a crucial resource in the day to day running of our project's services.

Volunteers attending our project compliment our direct service provision to children and young people accessing our service.

We thrive to ensure that all volunteers have access to support and information, training and development and are assisting in the decision making process regarding the vision of the project.

Volunteering is an opportunity for people to offer their time, energy and skills.

We fully support that volunteer staff should not be out of pocket as a result of their volunteering activities and we operate a Volunteer Expenses Policy in compliance with our organsiational policies and procedures. 

Volunteering at RAPA is a fun and interesting way to share your existing skills and learn new ones, meet new people, gain direct work experience with children and young people and assist in the ongoing development of a much valued and respected play facility in the East Endof Glasgow

If you have spare time and think you could make a difference to the lives of children and young people who access our service, please get in touch for further details on 0141 550 2320.

Volunteer Testimonials..

"I decided to volunteer as my son and I enjoyed the benefits of RAPA. I could see how hard the staff and volunteers worked so I thought it would be good to give something back.

Volunteering has turned out to be challenging but most of all fun!! It gives me more of an insight into how hard everyone at the park works in all weathers!"

Vicky Gaisey, Mother, Service User and Volunteer

"I have been a Volunteer at RAPA for over three years now. I volunteer once a week, on a Wednesday night. I enjoy working with the local children, being a part of the community and helping to organise the different activities.

Whilst helping at RAPA I have been involved with a girls group and many arts  and craft activities. My hopscotch, pool and table tennis skills improve on a weekly basis although I don't mind admitting that my football skills are somewhat non-existent!! Helping out with the Halloween and Christmas Parties and the trips to the Pantomime have also been a highlight!

Working with the staff and the other volunteers is a valuable experience and very helpful to anyone wanting to work with children. A good time is always had by everyone, when we all get together on nights out!!

On a more serious note volunteering at RAPA has also provided me with opportunity to attend a few training sessions which were informative and helpful. Although I would like to volunteer more of my time, doing one night a week fits easily into my schedule and full-time work commitments and I hope to continue as a volunteer and be part of the team for a long time to come."

Lorna Cameron, Volunteer